February flew by! We started in Belize but spent the vast majority of it in Guatemala.
Countries Visited
Accommodation – £477.45
Eating Out – £438.45
Groceries – £107.61
Attractions – £166.76
Transport – £239.07
Misc – £42.14
Alcohol -£34.39
Coffee/Drinks/Snacks – £40.53
Shopping – £5.99
Laundry – £13.03
Total – £1,565.42
Per Day – £55.90
While we were living it February didn’t seem like a particularly cheap month, and in many ways it wasn’t as we found Guatemala more expensive than people made out. However compared to January it’s a massive relief that our costs were so much lower. A long way from our target perhaps, but with reasonable accommodation and transport costs and most importantly no flights, we’re on the right track.
Who knows, maybe we’ll hit our budget for the first time ever before we get home? Yeah right.