Budget Update – Month 10 – November 2014

We started November in Taipei, Taiwan and finish it in Tokyo. It’s been a hectic month.

The month technically isn’t over yet but as I write this it is 10pm on 30th November in Tokyo and our spending is done for the day! This budget includes everything we’ve spent this month, even down to our dinner tonight.

It’s been a very expensive month, although that isn’t a huge surprise. We’ve spent half the month in Asia’s most expensive country, Japan, where rail passes alone have cost us over £500, and half in Taiwan, which while cheaper, is still one of the more expensive places we’ll visit on this trip.

This is the first monthly budget summary we’ve published ‘live’ but all the others, right back to January have been retrospectively published. You can take a look at them all here, and see how we’ve failed to stick to our frankly unrealistic budget every single month!

So, onto the stats for November. This is just an overview of the month as a whole, there will be a detailed post to come about what we spent in Japan specifically. As always, all the costs are the total for 2 people.

Countries Visited



Accommodation – £800.88 (Average cost per night – £26.69)
Eating Out – £410.64
Groceries – £120.99
Attractions – £46.29
Transport – £213.53
Misc – £4.94
Alcohol – £14.35
Petrol – £4.34
Coffee/Drinks/Snacks – £93.97
Entertainment – £11.21
Shopping – £23.43
Laundry – £8.78

Subtotal – £1753.35

Those are the day to day costs which have been added to Trail Wallet, the amazing budgeting app we use. However there are some items which don’t make it on there, namely international flights, unusual costs and shopping. Sadly all 3 of those things happened in November.

14 day Japan Rail Pass – £520
Flight from Taipei – Tokyo – £122.43

New camera – £135
Replacement clothes – £37.34
New sleeve for my laptop – £22.25 (I cannot believe it cost this much)

Grand Total – £2590.37
Spend Per Day – £86.34

This sounds horrific, and it makes me wince a bit reading it. However we did budget for this and expect it. We’ve been travelling long enough now to be realistic about the costs and know that we can’t do everywhere on the cheap.

What will December bring? We’ll mostly be in the USA, so will it prove to be a budget friendly destination. I really hope so…

One Response

  1. Llinos November 30, 2014

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